Early Years


Aims of the Early Years Programme for children:

  • To develop confidence and skills in all areas of English and build a strong foundation for future learning.
  • To express thoughts, ideas and emotions freely through language, movement, art, music and play in both English and Arabic.
  • To know and understand their own feelings and the feelings of others, make friends and play cooperatively, and to feel secure as part of a learning community.
  • To use appropriate IT equipment and software safely and with confidence.
  • To believe that learning is life long, supporting personal growth and inspiring growth in others.

The EPG Curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) which consists of seven areas of learning and development:

Prime Areas

  • Communication and Language,

  • Physical Development,

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Specific Areas

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the World

  • Expressive Arts and Design

Policies & Procedures

Early Years Curriculum


Health and Safety



Our Team

Miss Naomi is a qualified Early Childhood Educator with 19 years of diverse experience in teaching, curriculum and training design and development, as well as leadership roles in the Philippines, Singapore and Kuwait. She has previously been the Vice Principal at EPG Infant School Salwa. Miss Naomi has a strong passion for sustainability and is a big advocate of transformational education and leadership.

EPG Experience

Primary School


Our Curriculum

The EPG Primary Curriculum is planned to fulfil and achieve the EPG vision ‘Be the Best You Can Be’ by promoting exceptional learning, personal growth and development. The curriculum is inclusive and ensures that all pupils have equal access to the school curriculum. By putting pupils and their needs at the heart of everything we do, we are able to adapt and meet every child’s individual needs, providing happy and memorable learning experiences. At EPG, we strive to nurture an environment where students are inspired, happy and seek to succeed. The education, care, happiness and wellbeing of every child is our priority.

The EPG curriculum provides an enhanced English medium, British curriculum that values and respects the local culture and traditions. The EPG Primary curriculum is broad, balanced and creative curriculum, where pupils have the opportunity to engage with and learn about their culture and the culture of others, in addition to the formal requirements of the Kuwait Ministry of Education subjects and the National Curriculum for England (DfE,2014).

Curriculum Intent

The EPG Primary curriculum is designed to be inspiring, enjoyable, relevant and purposeful. It enables teachers to strive to achieve the highest standards from their learners, in order for them to be exceptionally well prepared for the transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage One and Two and beyond into Secondary School. The EPG curriculum is cohesive and progressive, with skills built upon year-on-year, that are flexible enough to ensure that the curriculum evolves to remain relevant, stimulating and reflective of the EPG ethos and values and meets the needs of all pupils.

Early Years Foundation Stage Primary Secondary
Key Stage EYFS KS1 KS2 KS3
Year Group FS1 FS2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Age 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Curriculum Organisation

The EPG Primary Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England, which provides the programme of study for English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Computing and PE, supplemented by the programme of study from the PSHE Association. A thorough school plan has been designed to ensure that statutory requirements are covered. Progression, balance and creativity occur throughout each subject and continuity within and across each year of the schooling between phases of education.

Progression in learning is intrinsic within the National Curriculum for England throughout the Key Stages. The EPG Primary curriculum incorporates the Kuwait Ministry of Education subjects, with Arabic and Islamic Studies to meet each Year Group’s mandatory requirements. The curriculum also includes Arabic as a Foreign Language adapted to the Kuwait Ministry of Education requirements, to value the customs and traditions and take into account local cultural sensitivities.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Subjects
Kuwait Ministry of Education Subjects National Curriculum of England (2014)
Core Subjects Foundation Subjects
Topic Overviews
Arabic Islamic Studies English Maths Science Humanities Computing PSHE Art PE Music


Literacy is taught at EPG Schools both explicitly through direct lessons and underpinned by a broad range of foundation subjects, taught through Topic Overviews. Themed topics provide a context that gives learning meaning and enables pupils to engage fully with the subject matter.

The children are actively encouraged to enjoy reading and writing, choosing exciting and challenging texts to interweave the teaching of spelling, grammar and handwriting. Literacy reinforces all aspects of learning, and we believe it is a vital medium enabling our pupils to access other areas of knowledge inspired by rich experiences in reading, writing, speaking and listening or drama.


EPG prides itself on developing strong mathematical skills within all pupils. Our maths curriculum follows the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum (2014). All new concepts are introduced using the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach.

Topic Overviews

Literacy and Numeracy are evident in all the other curriculum subjects, providing opportunities to enrich and develop these skills. From Science, Geography, History and Physical Education to Art and Music, pupils are encouraged to make comparisons, investigate, enquire, and explore. Areas of the curriculum are linked together in half-termly Topic themes to make learning more meaningful.

By encouraging pupils to experience learning through themed life-relevant topics, pupils are equipped with the necessary skills needed for successful lives beyond school. Striving to nurture thinking and learning, teachers ensure pupils are inspired to develop a thirst for learning and make life-long happy memories.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) & Citizenship

PSHE is taught as a discrete subject by the class teacher in Primary. In-class teaching is supported by celebration events and themed assemblies promoting Kuwaiti and British values and global citizenship.

Topic Overviews for Y1-6
Year Group Topic Overview 1 Topic Overview 2 Topic Overview 3 Topic Overview 4 Topic Overview 5
Y1 Me, Myself and I Amazing Animals Celebrations Flower Power Happy and Healthy
Y2 Going Places Young Explorers Once Upon a Time A long Time Ago Changes, Changes, Changes
Y3 Ancient Civilisation Myths and Legends Inspirational People The Vikings Space and Time
Y4 Invaders and Settlers Extreme Earth Time Detectives Inventors Shed Under the Sea
Y5 The Big Blue To Infinity and Beyond Circle of Life Heroes and Villains People and Places
Y6 Exploring Cultures Our Lives before Yesterday Historical Investigators Save Our Planet Back to the Future

Curriculum Provision

At EPG Schools, ICT and Science provisions and facilities are well prepared with fully equipped ICT suites and Science laboratories, where pupils are able to learn, conduct Science experiments and apply ICT skills in all areas of the curriculum.

Following the Healthy Lifestyle policy, we ensure the four themes of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE); Healthy Eating; Physical activity; Emotional Health and Well-Being are rigorously adhered to. We have high expectations of all our pupils to achieve and do their best whilst staying safe, healthy and most importantly, enjoying and achieving during their time at EPG Schools.

Curriculum Leadership Opportunities

The EPG Primary curriculum and wider school experience encourage pupils to acquire skills essential for adult life. Students are encouraged to take on student leadership roles in the form of House Captains, Head Boy and Head Girl or acting as representatives through Pupil Council.

Educational Visits

Educational Visits are embedded within the curriculum plan wherever possible to enrich and enhance the curriculum. A wide range of venues in Kuwait are available for pupils across the whole age range.

EYFS / Primary / Secondary School Curriculum Liaison

At EPG Schools, we believe it is essential to make the transition from EYFS to Primary then Secondary as streamlined as possible and gain the benefits of the continuation of values and knowledge of the curriculum near the transition boundary is essential in maximising the benefits to pupil learning.

Topic Overviews

All new concepts are introduced using the Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach
National curriculum in England: English programmes of study – key stages 1 and 2
National curriculum in England: Mathematics programmes of study – key stages 1 and 2
National curriculum in England: Science programmes of study – key stages 1 and 2
National curriculum in England: Geography programmes of study – key stages 1 and 2
National curriculum in England: History programmes of study – key stages 1 and 2
Healthy (Eating) Lifestyle Policy

Our Team

Hannah is originally from England and studied in the UK. She has a BA in Business and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education. She is a forward-thinking individual with over 20 years' experience in education.
"Our staff shares a real passion for working with children. The safety and education of children are paramount and at the heart of everything we do, Our approach to learning is both interactive and innovative and we build positive relationships with children that are warm and kind and foster a sense of belonging."

EPG Experience


Secondary School


At EPG Lower Secondary School, we pride ourselves in the high standard of teaching and learning we provide for our students through the English language.
Students study the mandatory subjects under the Kuwait Ministry of Education alongside the National Curriculum for England. In KS3, Years 7, 8 and 9 follow a common curriculum that is structured and delivered to build strong foundations for our students further education into KS4 and beyond.

We consider KS3, Lower Secondary, an important transition for our students from Primary to Higher Secondary. They develop the skills and knowledge that will enable them to make confident choices for their future.


Our students study 12 subjects, their learning path is primarily leading to the provision of international certification through the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in KS4 and potentially A Level Exams (Advanced Level) at a later stage.

Core subjects include English, Maths, Science and Humanities (Geography and History). Students have access to the Arabic and French languages, Islamic supports religious education. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) provides students with a grounding in applications and programmes used daily in the computer driven world of today. Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) explores the students’ lives in a holistic way to support wellbeing and safety in an ever changing world. We provide Physical Education (PE) to ensure our students remain active and know the benefits of movement to their mental and physical health. Art and Music broaden the creativity and interest of our students.

Access our Curriculum Maps/Overviews here.

Support for learning:

Enrichment and Intervention enhance the students learning journey through Learning – Extra Support (LES) lessons. These lessons provide strategic support on an ongoing basis. This support is available to all students and builds on the in class teaching and learning to ensure students gain a full understanding in a small group context and in a timely fashion. We also accommodate one to one support on an individual needs basis to ensure each student has the best chance possible, to progress and develop.

Our Intentions:

Our intention is to create a learning environment that supports our students to become productive, confident and caring members of a local, international and global community.

This broad and balanced curriculum values and celebrates the traditions and customs of Kuwait and introduces our students to a worldwide view and consciousness of other nations. We are preparing our young people to be independent, skillful collaborators with the self confidence to become happy and fruitful adults. We encourage teamwork and leadership as key components to success in a modern and dynamic world.
We aim to produce lifelong learners with ample opportunities for full and expansive lives.

Explore Core Subject Outlines and Curriculum Maps:

Our Team

Tana is originally from South Africa where she obtained an Honours degree in Zoology before going on to complete her PGCE and Masters in Education through Sunderland University in the UK. She has taught and worked as an examinations officer, vice principal and then principal in a Cambridge International School. In addition to these roles within schools, she is also a published Cambridge University Press and Assessment Author, having completed the AS Environmental Management Coursebook and Teachers handbooks.

"No two students are the same, not two interests or passions are the same, it is our job as educators to guide learners to understand themselves and to be the best that they can be"

EPG Experience
